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Hdsdr русскую версию

Hdsdr русскую версию.
HDSDR is a freeware Software Defined Radio (SDR) program for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10. Typical applications are Radio listening, Ham Radio, SWL, Radio Astronomy, NDB-hunting and Spectrum analysis. HDSDR (former WinradHD) is an advanced version of Winrad, written by Alberto di Bene (I2PHD). separate large spectrum and waterfall display for input and output signals RF & AF spectrum and waterfall is optically zoomed to fit window width independently of FFT resolution bandwidth (RBW) flexible and efficient usage of the screen area from 640x480 (Netbooks) up to 8k extreme low-speed waterfall - helpful for pattern noise detection or short wave condition monitoring AM, ECSS, FM, SSB and CW demodulation basic transmit (TX) functionality in modes SSB, AM, FM & CW I/Q modulated signal pair for the TX input signal (Microphone) is produced on the TX output squelch, noise reduction, noise blanker, adjustable band pass filter, anti-alias filter automatic notch filter and up to 10 manual adjustable notch filters record and playback RF, IF and AF WAV files with recording scheduler Frequency Manager for Eibi, Ham Bands, Radio Bands, User frequency lists DDE client for Ham Radio Deluxe, Orbitron, WXtrack, SatPC32, Wisp and PstRotator (Howto) Omni-Rig support (CAT) to control additional hardware support for various hardware through Alberto's (I2PHD) ExtIO DLL interface ExtIO frequency options for IF-Adapter, Upconverter, Downconverter, Undersampling and calibration All HDSDR program options can be stored and loaded per "profile", to ease use of different receivers autocorrelation and cepstrum display for demodulated audio some command line options with profile management. *** Many thanks to all helpers and beta tester!

Good work! *** stable Version 2.76a (March 17, 2018). beta11 Version 2.80 (August 21, 2018).

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